Monday, October 9, 2017

Destroying Toys

Pictured above - one of Saul the Dog's many toys that I scored at PetCo in the 2/$5 bin.  Yes, these doggie toys may be cheap, but they tend to stand the test of time for a bit for Saul.  Here is Foxy, all pretty and clean, before being strewn to death by the jaws of Saul.  This is what Foxy looked like after about a week:
Saul seems to have an affinity for the stuffing in these toys, as it's now all over my house.  It's in the TV room, the kitchen, on my bed, and in the hallway.  And the beauty of it all?

I don't care.

Saul is happy.  I'm happy.  Kidlet A and Kidlet B are happy.  Saul runs up to me while I'm working on the computer at 11:00pm at night, trying once again to figure out some sort of convoluted lesson plan that will keep thirteen year olds alert and interested at 8:00 in the morning after they've had either no breakfast or a Dunkin' Donuts Coolata full of sugar.  He forces me to play, shoving the torn apart toy at me.  I throw, he runs.  Repeat.  How can I not smile.

Especially hilarious is the "Faceless Bear" that Saul has created.
Confession - Kidlets and I found this in a box of toys for free by the side of the road, and scooped them up.  Fine, call me a bad doggie mom for taking stuffed animals and giving them to Saul.  Do it!  But it was damn funny to see him chew up the monkey whose arm pulled from one side to the other.  And we didn't pay for it!  He did rip the eyes out of the above bear, but no worries!  I was RIGHT THERE to retrieve the eyes so he didn't eat them.  He carries the Faceless Bear around the house in his mouth. I truly think it could be the predecessor to a horror movie plot line.  Seriously, this thing is down right creepy in person.  My photo focuses in on that smile and makes it look nice.  But imagine it covered in dog drool, all wet and smelly.  You would certainly be in fear.

So I went into the "No Way You Can Destroy Us!" toy section.  I found this amoeba-looking thing that seemed promising. It was made of rubber.  It had spikes and eyes (non-removable, for those folks who are still reeling from the bear incident).  

Minutes - just minutes! - later Saul had chewed Mr. Amoeba in half!  He was very sad when I pulled half of Mr. Amoeba out of his slobbering mouth and threw it in the trash.  Staring at the trash for about five minutes, I wondered what was going through Saul's head.

I did go to Facebook for advice.  People were helpful, and I did take them up on their ideas.  Some suggested antlers.  Others suggested marrow bones.  The marrow bones seem to be a good bet.  I kind of like the idea of buying marrow bones at Stop & Shop.  It makes me feel very primal to get they hunkin' bones at the supermarket.  People also offered the suggestion that perhaps Saul is bored or anxious.  Hmm...  We do give Saul lots of stimulation.  He loves to stare at the cats, especially at 4:15 in the morning.  We all have our hobbies.  

I can't go to Petco or PetSmart without a coupon and NOT buy a toy for Saul.  It's like My Strange Addiction.  Or better yet - the new challenge in my life.  Will I find a toy that Saul cannot destroy?  Today's pickings included this "Tuffy" toy.  It was in the form of a rabbit, so I immediately liked it.  What could be cuter than Saul carrying around a rabbit in his mouth?

The prognosis?  Within a half hour Saul had taken the ear off of TuffyBunny.  We'll see.  He's still playing with it an hour later, so it is his new, favorite toy.  As long as Saul is happy, I'm happy!


  1. HAHAHAHA AWESOME!! I do love that dog! Just an FYI this is from Veterinary Dental Services in Boxborough (my old boss)
    Fractured teeth: The most common causes of fractured teeth that we see are: cow hooves, antlers, hard nylon toys, ice cubes, rocks, and marrow bones. A fractured tooth with pulp exposure allows bacteria to enter the tooth. We always recommend treating this type of fractured tooth with root canal therapy or extraction. Sometimes we’ll recommend placing a crown as well.
    I would highly recommend large rawhide, large
    kongs, Rough dog chews...look online there are a lot!! Hard rubber is the best....not to be a Debbie downer as I know pople who have never had an issue...but have worked on over a hundred that did!! Speaking of eating things...gotten insurance yet?

  2. Do you happen to know how to get that toy
